VIM for Windows
The application-specific settings file is here: C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\VIM\Desktop
Open settings.json:
List of recent files
Show HUD for navigation controls
Clash default for co-planar
Clash default for self-intersecting
The Vulkan render config file (embedded in the application) is here: C:\Program Files\VIM\Desktop\Runtime
Open Settings.attr
IBL source
IBL blur value (makes the VIM project the focus)
Render start size
Render start size when the computer is in low-power mode
Staging memory size - the size of the buffers used for copying data between the CPU and GPU
Draw count fallback - forces the code path that works around there being no indirect draw count extensions
Vsync option
Camera near and far planes
CullMode - cull back-facing triangles, front-facing triangles, or neither